Frequently Asked Questions
Within 10-15 minutes of consumption, the energetic qualities of sativa extract paired with the stimulant mixture of ELEV-8's formula promotes focused energy, mind-body connection, and a present attitude. Due to THC's effect on the brain and endocannabinoid system it may also provide a sense of relief to joint pain caused by inflammation.
Within 15-20 minutes NextGen Nutrition's Premium Whey protein infused with fast acting cannabinoids provides a euphoric, relieving and rejuvenating feeling. Easing muscle soreness and inflammation by stimulating the body's endocannabinoid system.
The effects of ELEV-8 should be expected to felt by consumers for 60 to 90 minutes following onset of effect.
The effects may last between 1-2 hours after consumption but will continue building muscle even after the feeling fades.
Given the fact that our products contain active hemp derived THC ingredients, they should not be consumed if you are expecting an upcoming drug test. However, due to the small amount of active THC per serving, it is less likely to show.
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